Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What to do on an Icy Day?

The weather man is saying it is going to be an icy mess here soon. So far, we just have alot of cold rain coming down. So, my dilemma is: should I make my girls do school even if our local schools are closed or should I use this time to attempt an organizational challenge? My closet looks like a clothes bomb has gone off. It reminds me of those bottles that have confetti pop out when you pull the string, only with clothes. Part of the problem is that my husband and I had dropped some sizes in clothes and had given the stuff we couldn't wear anymore to charity. Now, though, we have both added a size and now we have clothes we can't wear mixed with a few clothes that we actually still fit into. It makes us both so sad:O( As we try on our clothes that don't fit the way they should, we leave them off the hangers and in the baskets on the floor. So, now we can hardly get into the closet to find the clothes that do fit. This mess was really exacerbated on Saturday when I put a basket full of clean clothes that I didn't have time to fold in there! I really need to get in there and clean it out. It is the energy and true desire to do it that I lack. I will try to learn how to post pictures in the next few days so you all can see what I am talking about. Hopefully, I will have a couple of snow days to do school and get to my closet. Oh, Lord give me strength!!

Take care!


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