Friday, April 10, 2009


Today is Good Friday. This is the day that Jesus would suffer for OUR sins. He told His disciples just the day before that there was no greater gift than to lay down your life for your friends. I am sure they had no idea on Thursday the extent Jesus would go for them and for you and me. They just didn't get it. There they sat so much of the time with our Lord and still they couldn't understand fully who Jesus was. On Friday two men, who had never believed before, were convinced of who Jesus was. The thief on the cross was promised by Jesus to be with Him in Paradise because of his belief. The Roman officer who stood by the cross as Jesus dismissed His spirit exclaimed, "Truly, this was the Son of God." Two men who never had the opportunity to sit and talk with Jesus, believed that day because of what they saw in Jesus. Those two men saw the Son of God and couldn't help but acknowledge the truth. As we ponder the Passion of our Christ I hope we will feel the same urge as those men that day. To look at who He was and what He did and be absolutely unable to do anything but proclaim the truth.
Because He laid down His life for us, our sins are forgotten and forgiven if we will only accept the grace He gives us. The thief knew what this meant. It meant that "He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west." Psalm 103:12 What an amazing thing!

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