Monday, February 9, 2009

Live Sent

This Sunday our sermon was about sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. I have to admit that this is not something I do very often. Of course I teach in church and tell others there and I believe that most people who meet me know that I am a Christian. This is not enough! I have included a link to a movie clip that was shown at our church to make us "get it".

Penn tells that he still believes there is no God and he sees religion as something that causes harm. How wrong he is about the existence of an Almighty God!! His views on religion are the typical view from those not in the church and those who used to be part of the church until they were hurt or disappointed by someone there. So many non-Christians see the church (whatever denomination it may be) as a place full of hypocrites. They want to call us out on the fact that we fail and disappoint them time and again. What they don't realize is that people who have accepted the gift of forgiveness know how sick they are. We know how much we need Him and we know that His plan is better than ours. We sin over and over because we are still here on this Earth. We are still humans. We (hopefully) feel great remorse and sorrow when we know we have sinned and we hope and try to do better. You don't become perfect when you become a Christian. I hope that my imperfection never keeps me from sharing Christ with others or would cause someone not want to know the God I serve. I want to be bold!! Our pastor asked us to pray for opportunities to share and to seek them out. This clip made me realize that it is cruel to not share. I want to live sent!!

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