Friday, February 20, 2009

Where is Spring?

I love warm weather and sunny days! I suppose I am in the majority in this fact. I know it is February. I know it is still winter. I am done with winter, okay?! I bought some adorable Gymboree clothes for Princess H over the weekend from a lady I buy from every year. Her daughter wears these clothes a few times and keeps them pristine (she needs to give my girls a lesson). When I brought them home, Princess H was so excited. On a little side note, with my older two girls I was all about choices and freedom. I am over that! The two little ones wear what I want them to wear when we leave this house. This way they actually match and look like I put some effort into getting them ready. I tried this with the older two, but I had already ruined that for myself! Anyway, Princess H was ready to wear all of the clothes, but I told her she had to wait until spring. It had to be warm for her to wear these clothes, I explained to her. Everyday since then she wakes up and asks, " Is it spring today?" No, it's still winter. Someday, it will be warm and I will put away the winter clothes and bring in the spring ones, but not today. Today it is 28 degrees outside at this very moment. I should count my blessings. I am not even remotely ready for (GASP) swimsuit season! Well, since spring has not yet arrived, I hope you guys have a fabulous winter day. Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Before you know it we will be sweating it out on the patio and putting up swimming pools...last summer was fun for me, I know it wasn't so great for you with Billy gone but I treasured it =)Love you guys, Nana
