Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kids, Heaven, and Hell

I teach a class at church on Wednesdays for kindergarten girls. I taught a lesson last night on heaven. I asked the girls how do people get to heaven. Many said being a good person. Three said believing in Jesus. One girl said that you could be all bad, but if God wanted you there, you would go to heaven. Another girl told me you could get there on a rainbow. Another girl said that when you die, they dig and dig and dig a hole for you and if at the bottom of the hole there is fire, you go to hell and if there isn't any fire, you will zoom straight up to heaven. One girl said that if you go to hell a truck will come and pick you up. Pretty funny, huh? The sad thing is that this probably isn't too far from what many adults out there think. Just like these little ones, they need to hear the truth. I told them there is only ONE way and that was to ask Jesus to live in your heart. When asking Him, you have to apologize for your sins and ask Him to be the boss of your life. We talked about what heaven is going to be like based on what the Bible tells us about heaven. I always worry that when teaching these bigger deeper concepts that I will confuse them or say something that they are not ready for. I believe, though, that it is my job as their teacher to start telling them the truth with as little sugar coating as possible. Our society is telling these children more and more everyday that there are many ways to heaven or even that there is no hell. These are not truths. We are responsible for protecting them from the world's lies. Just like you wouldn't tell your child that they can dial any number on the phone and reach you; we shouldn't be telling our children that any religion and any belief will get a person into heaven. This may not be the politically correct answer, but it's the only true one. In some ways, I was a little disappointed that only three of my kindergarten girls said Jesus was the only way. Maybe we need to start telling them the truth earlier or we need to be clearer. I don't want there to be any question or confusion in these children's or my own children's minds about how to get to heaven. There is only one way and His name is JESUS!

Monday, April 27, 2009


This weekend we had my favorite kind of Saturday. It is what I call a project Saturday. One where we got several of those things we had been hoping to accomplish done. We finished tilling and planting the garden. I also cleaned out my car, even the upholstery. I also got mostly caught up on our laundry. I can hardly wait for our first veggies. The compost I had been making since September was finally used. It smelled just like one would expect and drew the attention of all the neighbors within smelling distance. I am sure they wanted to make sure it wasn't a rotting corpse of some kind. Amazingly, today, it barely smells at all.
My car looks nice for now. There was gum on the carpet and I was able to get most of it out. My kids are really disgusting when it comes to the car. There was so many crumbs and melted candy I could hardly believe it. There are more projects on my wish list. The weather man said the weather was not going to cooperate this weekend, so we'll just have to wait and see. I would love to do some spray painting and there is this table that really wants to be an ottoman in my garage.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crazy May

Does anyone else feel like May is the second craziest month of the year? I already have almost every weekend booked with plans. I know my girls all have performances at church three times in the month. I also have Spring Fling at Princess H's school. We have 4 birthdays and Mother's Day. We will be having H's graduation. Meetings and planning for VBS are also on the agenda. Since it will be the end of the year for school and church I will have parties and gifts to get. May is fast approaching and my to do list is looking longer than ever. How's your May looking?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yard Sales

I have told you all before that I love a good yard sale. There are few things that thrill me more than getting a good deal. I am extremely frugal , but I have very expensive taste. I won't and can't just go out and buy everything I think I "need" or that my kids and I want. A garage sale lets you get many of those want and "need" items quite a bit of the time.
I have two great chairs that I bought for $20 a piece. The family I bought them from said they just didn't fit quite right in their bedroom so they sold them. I hit one yard sale where a lady that had owned a little boutique that had gone out of business was selling all the left over stuff. I got unbelievable things. I got a Christening gown for $4 with the Sarah Louise tags still on it. I have bought two Dooney and Burke purses and one Coach purse for $5 per purse.
But on the days that I get up super early (for me) and drive all over God's green Earth and don't find a single thing, I feel extremely disappointed and sad. This was what happened on Saturday. I was at a neighborhood sale with a few things in mind that I was on the hunt for and any other great deal would have been bonus. I went to one house. The lady there had tons of jeans and scrubs. The jeans she had were my size and one of the brands that I know fits me fairly well. I started to gather them up when I asked her how much. She replied $10 a pair. I put them back. Ten dollars is NOT a yard sale price for any clothing item, with the exception of cocktail and wedding dresses. Next house, lots of adorable children's clothes and shoes. No prices on the clothes. Feeling the competition all around me, I begin to carry the items I want. I ask the lady in charge how much she will charge for all three items. She says, $10. I am concerned that one dress is too small and ask about the length. It is too small. I put it back, "Now how much for the outfit and a pair of Gymboree jeans." She says "$7." I say, "Well what about just the outfit." She says, "$5." "What about just the jeans?" She says, "$4." What? No way. I tell her nevermind.

A word to those who have never had a yard sale. Your prices cannot be like a consignment sale or what you might hope to get on Ebay. Clothes should go between $5 for a full outfit or name brand dress and under. Most items will sell if marked between $1 and .50. Big items like furniture can sell for more. Don't get crazy though, you are not a furniture store. Toys and baby items should be marked fairly low. Baby items and toys are fairly easy to find. If you really would rather sell it than give it away, then the prices should be low enough that a person will feel like they are getting a good deal. Most often if you don't feel like selling it for $3 or less, then you should aim for 10% to 15% of what you paid for it. If at the end of the day, you are going to take it to Goodwill, then you might as well be willing to make a deal. Also, nothing infuriates me more than to be sold something that doesn't work. If it doesn't work, give it away or throw it away. If you think someone will be interested in parts make sure that you clearly tell people that it doesn't work.
I will try again (hopefully) this weekend. I surely hope I will have better luck this time. In the meantime, if you know someone getting ready for a yard sale, educate them. If you are planning on heading to one, I hope you find everything you're looking for.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I have written several times about this little baby. He will be having risky heart surgery sometime between tonight and tomorrow. This surgery is dangerous for a child as small and as young as Stellan. He has not responded properly to medication and at this time this surgery is seen as the best option, even with the risks involved. I have been blessed by his mother's blog and amazed at how people can rally around a family and pray and support them. Please pray and have your friends pray for Stellan, his family, and the doctors and entire medical team. Visit to get the full story. Thanks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weekend Plans

I already know this weekend is going to be too short! I have a to-do list as long as my arm and an I want to-do list that is even longer! I am hoping that the newspaper will have lots of classifieds about yard sales for tomorrow. The rest of my Saturday needs to be filled with grocery shopping and major cleaning. My whole house is a mess and we are having both families over on Sunday to help us celebrate the baptisms of Good-Hearted G and Lovely L. We are so excited for them and have invited everyone to church to see them being baptized and then to our house for lunch. I will be making a meal for everyone. I would love to get my kitchen table painted this weekend and the garden tilled and planted. I also want to clean the upholstery and carpets in the car. I also need to plan my lesson for next week. I know there is no way to get it all done. I'll just have to see if the day stretches out or flies by. Oh, I hope it goes s-l-o-w-l-y!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Children's Books

When I was in college I had to take Children's Literature. I had to read hundreds of children's books for the class and write mini-reports on them. I have to admit that for the most part I loved this class. I love children's books. I thought I would include some of my favorites that I think are great for children and adults alike. My very favorite book of ALL time is The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. Another good one is Caddie Woodlawn. All of the Junie B. Jones books are hilarious and I can vouch that even adults find them humorous. The Jesus Storybook Bible is one that we absolutely LOVE We read it over and over. My girls also really enjoy the American Girl series. A great book for girls is I'd Be Your Princess. I even made a framed thing based on this book. Are there any books that you just love? Please share. Hey, how do you like the new look?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New School Room

It's been a long time since Lovely L, my seven year old, has liked school as a whole. She has always loved math and science. She is so good at it. She has struggled with reading though. All the ways that I had learned in college to teach a child to read, had not worked for her. We were blessed to have a lady at our church who has a business that teaches reading in the "new old way". Lovely L is doing so much better. Yesterday and today, since being in our school room, she has been doing great on everything. I think she really needs structure and having school in the kitchen wasn't working. I am sad that it took me so long to get a school room; but glad I finally have it and it seems to be making a difference. As a homeschool mom it is often a real struggle to not feel like a complete failure if your kids aren't doing as well or cooperating as much as you would like. I am happy that as this school year is coming to a close, we are finally on the right track. When Princess H comes home for school in the fall, we will have another period of adjustment, but I am hopeful that it will all smooth out quickly. I can't believe it's already time to look for 5th and 2nd grade school books, but it is. These girls are growing up too fast. I wish we could just put life in slow motion sometimes (and fast forward in others).
Here's a picture of her before in the kitchen during school. I am so glad today she is in our new school room smiling and working hard.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stuff To Make and Do

Okay, I was wandering blogs today when I came across Bakerella. I love to bake and I love to eat almost anything sweet. I love cute food! Bakerella makes super duper cute food. I can hardly wait for the next reason to make something yummy and cute.

I also came across a great little site that had some DIY projects that I am going to attempt if we ever have a nice weekend again. Little Green Notebook has some great decorating ideas and lots of pictures which I love. I am very visual.

Another fabulous site is Remodeling Guy. He is awesome. He has some great projects that I will be trying out once school is out and if the weather is ever nice again. Are you sensing some bitterness about the weather?

I have my school room almost done. It is a miracle. The Nester is too awesome and I think she would be so proud of the skirts I hot glued on to my girls desks. I haven't named my hot glue gun yet, but after seeing what he could so, I just may be in love! Also, I spray painted the plastic school chairs that were various depressing colors. Now they are cream. Okay, now that I have used hot glue and spray paint with success, I am in full on DIY mode. Now, I need nice weather (for more than a few hours) to really get some stuff done.

Saturday, April 11, 2009




Saturday for most of us means preparing for Easter egg hunts, Easter dinner, pretty outfits, and baskets full of candy. Saturday for those who had witnessed Jesus' crucifixion was something else. The difference between us and them is that we know what Sunday holds, but they had no idea. They believed that Jesus was dead and gone and the hope for all He promised was gone too. We can only imagine that they were confused and completely crushed. In some churches, they tie the doors closed after the Good Friday service to signify the hopelessness that Jesus' followers must have felt. Saturday must have been a horrible day. If they'd only realized what was going to happen on Sunday, all there hopelessness would have turned into anxious anticipation. But we know what Sunday brings. Thank God that Sunday is coming!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Today is Good Friday. This is the day that Jesus would suffer for OUR sins. He told His disciples just the day before that there was no greater gift than to lay down your life for your friends. I am sure they had no idea on Thursday the extent Jesus would go for them and for you and me. They just didn't get it. There they sat so much of the time with our Lord and still they couldn't understand fully who Jesus was. On Friday two men, who had never believed before, were convinced of who Jesus was. The thief on the cross was promised by Jesus to be with Him in Paradise because of his belief. The Roman officer who stood by the cross as Jesus dismissed His spirit exclaimed, "Truly, this was the Son of God." Two men who never had the opportunity to sit and talk with Jesus, believed that day because of what they saw in Jesus. Those two men saw the Son of God and couldn't help but acknowledge the truth. As we ponder the Passion of our Christ I hope we will feel the same urge as those men that day. To look at who He was and what He did and be absolutely unable to do anything but proclaim the truth.
Because He laid down His life for us, our sins are forgotten and forgiven if we will only accept the grace He gives us. The thief knew what this meant. It meant that "He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west." Psalm 103:12 What an amazing thing!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today, would be the day that Jesus had His last supper with His friends. Think about it. He knew all that was going to transpire and wanted one last opportunity to have communion with them. Don't we all think of last moments we spent with people when they die? You almost treasure every look, every breath more as you look back and remember. This is what Jesus gave His disciples. Friday would be the worst and best day. Jesus would face more pain and more torment than we can ever imagine. He would pay the penalty for all sins forever. He would defeat death. But on Thursday, He fulfilled prophesy after prophesy. On Thursday He made it clear as He prayed that He was fully willing to die for us. On Thursday, His humanity was so evident. He knew what the next day would bring, and His spirit was in such agony that He sweated blood. On Thursday, He was betrayed by one of His friends. Thursday seems so simple. It's not Good Friday and it's not Easter. But I bet Thursday was the day the disciples replayed over and over in their minds until they saw their risen Lord on Sunday. Even then the things Jesus said at that Last Supper on Thursday probably made more sense after Sunday.

Thank you, Jesus, for Thursday. The decisions you made on that day. When you
could have chosen differently and you didn't. I don't deserve what you did for me, but thank you so much
for it! I love you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Menu Planning

In an effort to better stick to my grocery budget, I have been menu planning for the past couple of months. In some ways, I have always done a version of this. Now I am being far more deliberate about it. We have stopped eating out (for the most part). I only am shopping once a week (again for the most part). I am spending far less on food than before and wasting a lot less. Our menu plan changes from week to week based on what sounds good for the next week and what activities we have planned too. This week looks like this:

1. Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas (my oldest daughter's favorite meal)

2. Chicken fajitas with black beans and chocolate pudding pie for dessert

3. Poppy seed Chicken with brown rice (new recipe I found on Kelly's Korner recipe blog)

4. Eating Out for my niece's birthday

5. Pasta Primavera and whole wheat rolls

6. Chicken Tetrazzini and homemade yeast rolls

7. Leftovers

I use my crockpot frequently to cook while at the gym. I also have to put food together on Wednesday nights that my husband can stick in the oven about 30 minutes before the kids and I get home from church. We are eating a lot of chicken this week. Last week, we had a lot of turkey. It changes with sales and mood. All the girls love pork tenderloin, but I needed a break from it this week. Almost all my recipes come from Cooking Light magazine.

What's for dinner?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Favorite Things

Isn't it funny how a few little things can make your day so much brighter? On my bad day, I had one little girl at church tell me I looked pretty. That was just the little lift I needed at that particular time. There are lots of things that brighten my day. Yummy smells in the house are one. This week at Bath and Body Works they have their home fragrance oil on sale for $3. If that brightens your day, head over there and put some in your own Easter basket.
. Another one of my favorite things is receiving a new Ballard Design catalog. The items they have in there are gorgeous and give me lots of good ideas too. If you don't already receive the catalog, you can request one online.
Dove chocolate is another, enough said.
Another good one is a cute accessory or two. I just discovered Sam Moon. The prices are crazy good and he donates a lot of scholarship money for Baptist seminary students.
Any good bargain will brighten my day instantly (as long as I can afford it). Yard sale season has arrived and I am hopeful that I will be finding some really great stuff soon.
My children being kind and good is also an instant mood-lifter. My oldest was complimented yesterday on being especially kind to a friend with Down syndrome. She doesn't even think about it--she is just nice because she has a good heart. I love that.
What are some of your favorite day brighteners?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Had A Bad Day.

All day long yesterday, my big girls tried to play pranks on me. They put vinegar in the water pitcher. They put Saran Wrap on the toilet numerous times. They put sunscreen on the toilet seat. They made some jello concoction. They put sugar in the salt shaker. I caught most of these tricks before they could really enjoy it (HA HA-- too bad for them!) These little pranks were annoying and more work for me; but I let them have their fun. Then we get in the car to head to church. I have 6 cakes and 42 Easter eggs for a party we are having in my class. Also, once I get there I need to make about 40-50 popscicle stick picture frames. We load up and I put the key in the ignition and it won't go all the way in. What? I shake the gear shift and try again. Nothing. Nada. Again and again I try every which way you can think to get the key to work. Nope, not gonna happen! Princess H pipes up and says, very matter of factly, that she stuck a "Santa key" in the ignition and it broke. Fabulous. I call hubby. He asks if this is some kind of April Fools joke. He comes home. All the while I have been trying massive magnets, paper clips, and tweezers. Our neighbor comes over to help. He and hubby work and work. I have to go. I leave and later return from church and it still doesn't work. Hubby is not happy. I go to make dinner and most of the taco shells are broken. I am thinking I am on the bad list. American Idol is on and I hear that Megan Joy is finally going home! YEA!! Maybe this day isn't a total loss! I sure hope today is better! Wish me luck and pray too.