Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New School Room

It's been a long time since Lovely L, my seven year old, has liked school as a whole. She has always loved math and science. She is so good at it. She has struggled with reading though. All the ways that I had learned in college to teach a child to read, had not worked for her. We were blessed to have a lady at our church who has a business that teaches reading in the "new old way". Lovely L is doing so much better. Yesterday and today, since being in our school room, she has been doing great on everything. I think she really needs structure and having school in the kitchen wasn't working. I am sad that it took me so long to get a school room; but glad I finally have it and it seems to be making a difference. As a homeschool mom it is often a real struggle to not feel like a complete failure if your kids aren't doing as well or cooperating as much as you would like. I am happy that as this school year is coming to a close, we are finally on the right track. When Princess H comes home for school in the fall, we will have another period of adjustment, but I am hopeful that it will all smooth out quickly. I can't believe it's already time to look for 5th and 2nd grade school books, but it is. These girls are growing up too fast. I wish we could just put life in slow motion sometimes (and fast forward in others).
Here's a picture of her before in the kitchen during school. I am so glad today she is in our new school room smiling and working hard.

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