Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today, would be the day that Jesus had His last supper with His friends. Think about it. He knew all that was going to transpire and wanted one last opportunity to have communion with them. Don't we all think of last moments we spent with people when they die? You almost treasure every look, every breath more as you look back and remember. This is what Jesus gave His disciples. Friday would be the worst and best day. Jesus would face more pain and more torment than we can ever imagine. He would pay the penalty for all sins forever. He would defeat death. But on Thursday, He fulfilled prophesy after prophesy. On Thursday He made it clear as He prayed that He was fully willing to die for us. On Thursday, His humanity was so evident. He knew what the next day would bring, and His spirit was in such agony that He sweated blood. On Thursday, He was betrayed by one of His friends. Thursday seems so simple. It's not Good Friday and it's not Easter. But I bet Thursday was the day the disciples replayed over and over in their minds until they saw their risen Lord on Sunday. Even then the things Jesus said at that Last Supper on Thursday probably made more sense after Sunday.

Thank you, Jesus, for Thursday. The decisions you made on that day. When you
could have chosen differently and you didn't. I don't deserve what you did for me, but thank you so much
for it! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing reminder of the Love of Christ!
    Thanks for this powerful post, it shows the battle, and Easter we celebrate the VICTORY!!

    I love you, Glo
