Thursday, February 26, 2009


Although I am not Catholic, I have observed Lent for many years. For those who aren't familiar with Lent, it is observed from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. Usually, the time is used for preparing oneself for the Easter holiday ahead. It is a time of reflection. We are to reflect on the time that Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by Satan. We are also to reflect on our lives and what Jesus' death and resurrection means for us. It is a time of repentance and during this time we are pray and think of ways to be of service to others. During Lent many people choose one thing that they will give up. It is supposed to be sacrificial. This year I have given up chocolate in the form of candy, cakes and cookies. I thought about coffee; but let me be completely honest, I don't think that would be good for anyone who has to live or interact with me. I thought about ice cream. I don't eat it enough for it to be sacrificial. I also thought about fast food. We usually have it once or twice a week. Although, I would still like to do this, there are those nights (swim team nights) that are just so crazy and Chik-fil-A has free kids meals that night, so it is so easy. So, I continued to think and contemplate. And the thought of how much I love chocolate came to mind. That's wrong, I know. So, I that's it! I am done with the stuff until after Easter service. It won't be easy, but that's the point.

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