Monday, March 9, 2009


I hope that when my girls are all grown up they will be as close and loving (maybe even more so) as they are now. Sure, they fight and argue and get on each others' nerves, but let someone mess with one and you have to face the wrath of this small all girl army! My youngest, EC, is tiny. She just got on the growth chart. She, however, does not know this. She thinks she's huge. Just the other day, a 4 year old friend was being mean to my 9 year old. EC, who is 3, walked up to the other little friend and took care of the situation like she was 12. She is even protective of me. If one of the other sisters is being ugly to me, she is quick to step in and try to handle it. The same is true for the others as well. They all know that they have at least three other people that will be on their side and stand up for them if a situation arises where they are needed. I love it! I hope as they grow that sisterly bond will grow too. I want them to be best of friends and best of allies forever and always!

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