Thursday, May 21, 2009

Aggravation and Irritation

I have to admit that I am irritated. I probably shouldn't be, but I am. Someone said something to me that aggravated me; probably because some of what she said is true and partly because some of what she said is completely ridiculous. I have found that as I read blogs and talk to people, I feel a little upset when I know I should be doing or not doing something and an outsider points that out. Of course, you can't really get mad at someone who is blogging their own opinions. But it is easy to feel frustrated when you read or look at some one's blog and they do and have all the things you wish you could do or have. It is really just jealousy and a lack of confidence in that particular area. I confess that these women who can go to Goodwill and transform things from trash to treasure amaze me and irritate me at the same time. Those women out there who have organic gardens, homeschool their children, and have spotless houses aggravate me too. The women who can run home-based creative businesses, always look put together, who always make the most of every minute with their kids, and seem to be able to get more done in 24 hours than I can get done in 24 days make me mad too. Now, I know that they are only really sharing part of their days. I know that no one is really able to do it all. I am not really mad at them. I am mad at me. What should I do? I suppose I should actually attempt to change in those areas where I know I should. If I feel like I am not being all I want for myself and my family--I should change that. Maybe that will be good enough, but I have a feeling no mother ever really feels good enough. I'm working on it...

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