Friday, May 1, 2009


My oldest daughter has a bully. She has had this particular child/bully in her classes since she was four. I have been the teacher in the class before and seen this girl be a bully to other children than just my own child. When I was the teacher in the class I did try to tell the mother of this bully, what was going on. Needless to say, it wasn't well-received and there has been major tension since. I am one of those people who doesn't want their kid to think that life is fair and that everyone will like you. I guess I just don't like lying to my kids. But we have put up with the teasing for almost 6 years and to be honest, I am done. It has reached a point where Good-Hearted G doesn't want to be in church if she has to be with this kid. I don't know what it is that has caused these problems and I obviously don't know how to fix them. We have a nice associate minister at church who will make sure that they won't be together in class anymore. I think it's sad that it has come to this. I know that if my child was the one teasing and picking I would want to know and I would want to right it. I guess not every parent is like this. It makes me glad that we homeschool. Not that it completely prevents this from happening (obviously), but that it gives us a greater opportunity to talk about these problems and allows me to educate my children even more on why behavior like this is absolutely unacceptable. I wish more parents would realize that teasing and tearing other people down isn't just a normal kid thing and it shouldn't be excused.

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